19-04-2017, 03:06
Ο λογαριασμος περιεχει:
Total Play Mode Wins: 1791
Total Arena Wins: 1790
Total Level: 470
Gold: 3000
Arcane Dust: 11000
Golden Legendary Cards: 2(Sylvanas/Ragnaros)
Regular Legendary Cards: 51(44 Standard)
Golden Cards: 47 Uncommon, 42 Rare, 2 Epic ( 7350 Dust)
Legendary Cards:
yogg-saron,c'thun, n'zoth, ysera,soggoth,
malygos,alextrasza,ragnaros firelord,medivh,
twin emperor, Troggzor,curator, hogger, dr.boom,skeleton knight,
reno jackson,mukla tyrant, maexxna, justicar,thaurissan,bolf ramshield,
aya blackpaw,stallag,prince malchezaar,nexus-champion,loatheb,feugen,kazakus,
genzo the shark,baron rivendare,barnes,moroes,brann,thalnos,varian wrynn,grommash,
iron juggernaut, jaraxxus, hallazeal, xaril, tirion, wickerflame burnbristle, inkmaster solia,
archmage antonidas,king krush, Kun, cenarius,malorne,fandral stranghelm
Total Number of Cardbacks Owned: 24
Καθως και το Diablo 3 + RoS Expansion με πολλους χαρακτηρες,gold & gear
δημιουργία asproskounoupis 19-04-2017
τελευταία καταχώρηση asproskounoupis 19-04-2017
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